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Container cannot reach internet

%3 cluster_0c429683_d64f_4145_ba0c_266bbd16c39f Container cannot reach internet _e3b1bd1c_7a67_45a0_bbcd_8b21576b7896 References _5a895a21_132a_44e3_8105_1f6f0c094bc2 Systems Administration _9f13172f_1801_4b85_a97e_c08b42b75919 LXC __0:cluster_0c429683_d64f_4145_ba0c_266bbd16c39f->_5a895a21_132a_44e3_8105_1f6f0c094bc2 __1:cluster_0c429683_d64f_4145_ba0c_266bbd16c39f->_9f13172f_1801_4b85_a97e_c08b42b75919

Supposing you have connectivity to other addresses of the host, probably you need to set up some kind of NAT.

There is plenty of ways to do it, (check links in the references). One that requires little asumptions about the case is to MASQUERADEthe packets with iptables.

In this case the "NATed" network is

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s '!' -d -j MASQUERADE