Table of contents

Cool software tools

%3 cluster_0cd2d670_6c5b_4727_af58_4397c40430ea Cool software tools cluster_f14302de_6ce4_4dd1_b8fb_f4f2c60a0e8f Presentation software cluster_cd52e8e4_cb6b_458b_b543_9decbe262ae3 Text-based tools cluster_99bc1518_bcb5_42ff_bc1c_8504b100606a Diagramming tools cluster_9574c59c_9ca4_4c5b_8ec2_b7dac6903585 Text manipulation tools cluster_78f52b08_06ef_40ab_9fe6_b0d29539da00 Other collections _d9b160e6_9b5b_413a_9c52_2891c5337779 Check org-re-reveal _b9c47657_046c_4c9c_a3b2_4c7dc798ce8a GUI based _7630778e_b888_4764_ad35_ebb80040ae67 DSL based _d5beb0a5_b265_4cbf_8211_a360381538d3 Text analysis _27a80a5c_2894_4a74_95c5_c9f8e106f035 Text cleaning _ac5b3a3d_8dee_47f3_9b65_b2ada67436a2 Conversion _17941b6f_97dc_4bd5_ac28_1c973f40d643 Get On My Lawn software _ea48ec1d_f9d4_4fb7_b39a_faa7b6e2ba95 Notes index _ea48ec1d_f9d4_4fb7_b39a_faa7b6e2ba95->__0:cluster_0cd2d670_6c5b_4727_af58_4397c40430ea

Diagramming tools

Interesting tools for building diagrams:

DSL based

These tools take as input a text file with a description of the diagram to produce and generate an image as output.

  • Graphviz [official web]

    Simple but powerfull tool for graph visualization

  • PlantUML [official web]

    Tool to build UML diagrams, wireframes, Gantt diagrams, mind maps, ...

  • Ditaa [official web]

    Build general diagrams from ascii-art.

  • Mermaid [official web]

    Visualize graphs, sequence, Gantt, class and git diagrams.

GUI based

Tools to build diagrams through drag & drop.


    Generalistic web tool, has an electron-based desktop version.

Presentation software

Interesting software to build presentations:

Text-based tools

  • mdp [on GitHub]

    A command-line based markdown presentation tool.

  • emacs + org-mode + reveal mode [on GitHub] :: A tool to convert org-mode files into reveal.js HTML presentations.

Text manipulation tools

Text analysis

Interesting tools for text analysis:

Text cleaning

  • ftfy [GitHub]

    Just fixes broken UTF-8


Other collections

Get On My Lawn software

This is software that has stood the test of time, and, though it may seem antiquated, it’s as robust as an old wise oak tree.