Flush Google's public DNS cache
You can use the Flush Cache tool to refresh the Google Public DNS
cache for common record types and most domain names. You do not need
to prove ownership of the domain to flush it, but you must solve a
reCAPTCHA that restricts automated abuse of the service.
Flushing any record type for a domain that you have registered or
sub-delegated with NS records not only flushes cached responses for
the type, it also flushes delegation information about the name
servers for that domain. When you have recently changed name servers
(by changing registrars or DNS hosting providers) it is critical to do
this before flushing subdomains like www, so they are not refreshed
from stale data on your old DNS servers.
The only way to flush all subdomains, or all record types for a domain
name, is to flush each record type for each domain name you want to
flush. If this is not practical, you can always wait for the record
TTLs to expire (these are generally limited to six hours even if the
actual TTL is longer).