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%3 cluster_2fd05723_952c_4050_9d45_2e6dcf45a65c visidata cluster_ff57957c_45e0_4c6e_8e49_42401d2aeb29 Processes _0b219560_deaa_4e31_95be_4ea49db8dcfa Given a CSV file with columns 'Year' and 'Rating', find Avg rating per year _e60d7e74_d928_40aa_a92b_baf498132a7c Data visualization tools __0:cluster_2fd05723_952c_4050_9d45_2e6dcf45a65c->_e60d7e74_d928_40aa_a92b_baf498132a7c


Given a CSV file with columns "Year" and "Rating", find Avg rating per year

  • Open with vd file.csv

  • Move to Year column

  • Mark as integer (press #)

  • Mark as key (press !)

  • Move to the Rating column

  • Mark as float (press %)

  • Extract aggregated metric (press +)

    • Type avg and press Enter

  • Move to the Year column

  • Extract stats (avg) based on Year (press Shift-F)