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erlang profiling

%3 cluster_76ddf5f8_b3ab_4cfa_b837_62f2bfeae6a1 erlang profiling _f54fe681_80fb_4017_a258_e814ef8898e3 Stuff goes bad: Erlang in Anger _0927c789_1b8e_4ac7_998f_ecda88158620 Include profiling tools on release _c544538c_bebb_430c_8000_2751ffc75f1e Use eflame inside a kubernetes pod where it wasn't installed _7f07e528_ceca_42f0_9d51_ff83f3e228ff _84034aa8_b864_4235_ac47_b1243b96910b Profiling on Erlang's docs _f0dec2bf_20ec_4970_9f30_45f85d18ab6a Erlang _22d0d2e6_1932_43ad_a804_a7aa875c536c Profiling __0:cluster_76ddf5f8_b3ab_4cfa_b837_62f2bfeae6a1->_f0dec2bf_20ec_4970_9f30_45f85d18ab6a __1:cluster_76ddf5f8_b3ab_4cfa_b837_62f2bfeae6a1->_22d0d2e6_1932_43ad_a804_a7aa875c536c

Profiling on Erlang's docs


Include profiling tools on release

Add tools to applications on .app.src* file. For example

{application, app_name, [{description, "Auto-mate node."},
                              {vsn, "0.0.0"},
                              {registered, []},
                              {applications, [ kernel
                                             , stdlib
                                               %% ↓ Profiling components
                                             , tools

This includes

  • fprof

  • eprof

  • cprof

  • lcnt


Use eflame inside a kubernetes pod where it wasn't installed

Disclaimer: This might be unsafe and might cause stability for your cluster ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . DONT do this in production environments. Also this is probably incomplete... just saying...

For example, when the pod is launched from a release where that wasn't a dependency.
