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Reactive programming

%3 cluster_87179263_9066_49ae_9ca1_2a632a3a9cc5 Reactive programming _f2e9d120_083f_40e0_9a57_3e1890e729b2 COMMENT React 2014 : Erik Meijer - What does it mean to be Reactive? _92df9351_30fd_46df_8c6d_5df14a7d77a2 RxJS and Reactive Programming - Animations and visual lessons _42eb4b5b_d553_493f_a94f_026b8b7193be ReactiveX _a5a0f639_9d3e_4da3_b580_cfb03045b0de The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing _38b67547_42a0_4cf5_879d_470b7f32ddda The Reactive Manifesto _81178d8b_1116_4482_bf44_bfef6219ade6 Learn combining operators. Visually _7b975f57_182d_44de_893d_dd7e5b17b29a Message Queues _190a6c92_c43f_40ff_baff_f5f20f6669bc flow-based programming _73bf4dd9_c714_42e8_a88c_89f119edbcf1 React 2014: Joe Armstrong - K things I know about building Resilient Reactive Systems _73bf4dd9_c714_42e8_a88c_89f119edbcf1->_190a6c92_c43f_40ff_baff_f5f20f6669bc _73bf4dd9_c714_42e8_a88c_89f119edbcf1->__0:cluster_87179263_9066_49ae_9ca1_2a632a3a9cc5 __1:cluster_87179263_9066_49ae_9ca1_2a632a3a9cc5->_7b975f57_182d_44de_893d_dd7e5b17b29a __2:cluster_87179263_9066_49ae_9ca1_2a632a3a9cc5->_190a6c92_c43f_40ff_baff_f5f20f6669bc


The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing


  • Reactive programming is programming with asynchronous data streams. 🔗

  • On top of that, you are given an amazing toolbox of functions to combine, create and filter any of those streams

  • A Promise is simply an Observable with one single emitted value

  • Sample operations (on Rx)

    • map()/flatMap()

    • filter()

    • merge()

    • startWith()

The Reactive Manifesto


  • "We want systems that are Responsive, Resilient, Elastic and Message Driven. We call these Reactive Systems."

    • Responsive

      The system responds in a timely manner if at all possible.

      • Responsiveness means

        problems may be detected quickly and dealt with effectively

    • Resilient

      The system stays responsive in the face of failure.

      • Is achieved by

        replication, containment, isolation and delegation.

    • Elastic

      The system stays responsive under varying workload.

    • Message Driven

      The system relies on asynchronous message-passing to establish a boundary between components.

      • This ensures loose coupling isolation and location transparency.

COMMENT React 2014 : Erik Meijer - What does it mean to be Reactive?


  • Not relevant for this

One Many
Sync T Iterator[T]
Async Future[T] Observable[T]