To set a specific code, return from controler through this.
Elixir status codes
Set elixir HTTP status codes
To set a specific code, return from controler through this.
|> put_status(:bad_request)
Status code list
Taken from elixir-plug/.../status.ex.
statuses = [
continue: 100,
switching_protocols: 101,
processing: 102,
ok: 200,
created: 201,
accepted: 202,
non_authoritative_information: 203,
no_content: 204,
reset_content: 205,
partial_content: 206,
multi_status: 207,
already_reported: 208,
instance_manipulation_used: 226,
multiple_choices: 300,
moved_permanently: 301,
found: 302,
see_other: 303,
not_modified: 304,
use_proxy: 305,
reserved: 306,
temporary_redirect: 307,
permanent_redirect: 308,
bad_request: 400,
unauthorized: 401,
payment_required: 402,
forbidden: 403,
not_found: 404,
method_not_allowed: 405,
not_acceptable: 406,
proxy_authentication_required: 407,
request_timeout: 408,
conflict: 409,
gone: 410,
length_required: 411,
precondition_failed: 412,
request_entity_too_large: 413,
request_uri_too_long: 414,
unsupported_media_type: 415,
requested_range_not_satisfiable: 416,
expectation_failed: 417,
im_a_teapot: 418,
misdirected_request: 421,
unprocessable_entity: 422,
locked: 423,
failed_dependency: 424,
upgrade_required: 426,
precondition_required: 428,
too_many_requests: 429,
request_header_fields_too_large: 431,
internal_server_error: 500,
not_implemented: 501,
bad_gateway: 502,
service_unavailable: 503,
gateway_timeout: 504,
http_version_not_supported: 505,
variant_also_negotiates: 506,
insufficient_storage: 507,
loop_detected: 508,
not_extended: 510,
network_authentication_required: 511