These are some personal notes as I typed the code along the video. Go see the video, is pretty quick!
suits =: 'cdhs' NB. A standard card deck has 4 suits: Clubs, Diamons, Hearts, Spades
ranks =: '23456789TJQKA' NB. 13 numbers of cards
NB. Show all combinations with the catalog `{` operator
|: { ranks; suits
NB. The `;` puts the two strings into boxes
ranks ; suits
NB. Catalog `{` takes every combination of the boxed values
{ ranks; suits
NB. Then `|:` transposes it
|: { ranks; suits
`2c `3c `4c `5c `6c `7c `8c `9c `Tc `Jc `Qc `Kc `Ac
`2d `3d `4d `5d `6d `7d `8d `9d `Td `Jd `Qd `Kd `Ad
`2h `3h `4h `5h `6h `7h `8h `9h `Th `Jh `Qh `Kh `Ah
`2s `3s `4s `5s `6s `7s `8s `9s `Ts `Js `Qs `Ks `As
NB. Now let's save the result
by_suit =: , s: |: { ranks; suits
by_rank =: , s: { ranks; suits
deck =: by_rank