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Alexander Obenauer notes


%3 cluster_e9fe78da_e5f1_442b_8d63_9679fc526726 Alexander Obenauer notes _4c3af07d_11b4_44b0_810f_dc9d776d5ecc The Graph OS _110b83c1_a508_4c9c_84a7_621efd82c843 The Potential Merits of an Itemized OS _4c3af07d_11b4_44b0_810f_dc9d776d5ecc->_110b83c1_a508_4c9c_84a7_621efd82c843 _217f35ce_404e_49ed_bfd3_cb3ca3f312db personal wiki _4c3af07d_11b4_44b0_810f_dc9d776d5ecc->_217f35ce_404e_49ed_bfd3_cb3ca3f312db _4c246ebc_624d_4ac4_a9d0_9fd8e9184052 Zettelkasten _4c3af07d_11b4_44b0_810f_dc9d776d5ecc->_4c246ebc_624d_4ac4_a9d0_9fd8e9184052 _66e4076a_6a09_454d_9466_7f2e4961ad90 Services & Item Drive‍s _0873a209_b9df_4bf3_b65e_2f425c5a2adc Librarian / Personal Library _0873a209_b9df_4bf3_b65e_2f425c5a2adc->_217f35ce_404e_49ed_bfd3_cb3ca3f312db _0873a209_b9df_4bf3_b65e_2f425c5a2adc->__0:cluster_e9fe78da_e5f1_442b_8d63_9679fc526726 _209627d6_fe7a_4574_8e7f_93018b813400 [0/0] The future of personal computing _209627d6_fe7a_4574_8e7f_93018b813400->__1:cluster_e9fe78da_e5f1_442b_8d63_9679fc526726 __2:cluster_e9fe78da_e5f1_442b_8d63_9679fc526726->_4c246ebc_624d_4ac4_a9d0_9fd8e9184052


Services & Item Drive‍s

Defines the <<<Item>>>s as the unit of user-managed data. Items may be created by the user or by a <<<service>>>.

  • When the user manually creates a new item, or adds information to a service's item. That data gets saved to an <<<item drive>>>.

When the user creates an item not associated with a particular service (such as a note), or adds data to an item beyond its service’s own offering (such as adding a note to an email), this item data is saved in an /item drive/.

Item drives are a special kind of service. The user needs at least one, because they are responsible for the system’s item storage. But users might have additional item drives for specific purposes: an additional item drive might be shared with collaborators, or provide specific functionality around the syncing of their data (for example, by offering end-to-end encryption).